There were lots more stages. It’s an intuitive way of working and sometimes one is lead ‘up the garden path’. Only paint and paper for now. All these are 60cm squares.
Another project has come to completion. It is a visual catalogue of all the art I have created. At this point that is 860 paintings (20 to a page). I have always photographed my finished work and kept a spreadsheet of all the information relevant to each piece. Since I have been painting full time it has been increasingly important to keep good and accessible records. I tried putting images into the ‘great’ spreadsheet but it became frustratingly slow to use.
When I found that I could print a page of images from a single folder in one step the project was born. So now I can quickly see the painting and its number and navigate the spreadsheet, my photo database, my website and Bluethumb and manage it all efficiently.
It has made me realise how much I like to look back at my progress; there are major break throughs, periods of mediocre and also exciting work. There are themes and styles that reappear over time.I have too many paintings in store and need to tackle the destruction or distribution of many. I am attached to some because they were milestones in my artistic development or reminders of places visited.
The good news this week is a sale on Bluthumb. After a very successful few months in September/ October sales had dried up. I was wondering if I’d annoyed an algorithm. Maybe we can blame COVID. Anyway this one from my Shapes series sold. Its titled ‘What lurks within”