I had a lot of unresolved works happening last week so didn’t publish my news. I have been very busy though and the studio is becoming chaotic again. Seems to be a pattern emerging, with weeks of frenetic activity follow by a step back and having a clean up.
I have continued working on two of my Oceans series and am planning two more. I worked from small studies developed from my own photos taken on Tasmania’s east coast. I have then referred back to the photos in the final stages and am now in danger of overworking and loosing the freshness.
‘Flourish’ is a series I started a few weeks back and now have two gracing the halls of the Rosny Doctors surgery. I really enjoy doing these. Big loose gestural applications of paint. Can’t say brush strokes as I don’t use brushes, rather palette knives and silicon spreading tools. I have been using different combinations of colour each time keeping to two colours and black and white.
This is one I did earlier and have now finished featuring a favourite colour magenta.
Also hanging on my studio wall awaiting further work was one from several weeks ago. I was chatting to a friend and happened to rest my eyes on it and suddenly saw how it could be resolved. Here are the before and after. Well it might not be completely finished.
On the floral theme I completed two more small 30cm squares boards with vases of flowers. Lots of texture in these. And fun to do!
Coming up soon is the deadline for entries in the Rotary Wrest Point Art Prize. The exhibition was postponed due to Covid 19 but set to go ahead now in November. Always a great exhibition at the Boardwalk Gallery on the waterfront. I have been struggling over calling these two finished. But decision time looms. They are both larger, 60cm square works in oil and cold wax on cradled boards. Still undecided about titles. Ideas gratefully accepted!
I have been sitting on the prints I showed you last post not knowing where to go with them. Yesterday I spread them out, tore up the ones done on tissue paper and am preparing to collage them. I will then probably do some further printing on them. Will be fun. Seem to need to distance myself enough from them to have the courage to tear and cover etc. Its so exciting to see what prints you pull and they are a bit precious immediately.
I have been working on my journaling and study of composition. One thing the course I did recently has taught me has been to seek out and study in depth the work of other contemporary artists. So to finish this week with Betty Krause and one of her abstracted fields of flowers.