Now that ‘Find Your Joy 2020’ has concluded, the course materials are available for several more months, I intend to go back over the exercises and notes to consolidate my learning. Of more interest is that I have joined a follow up group called Art Tribe to continue to learn and challenge myself at my own pace. There are monthly challenges. In September, what is left of it I am going to explore using printing techniques to create interesting back grounds. I will continue to work on my Ocean series as well.
In the past week a couple of opportunities came my way including a short teaching stint sharing my knowledge and experience painting with oil paint and cold wax medium. Nothing confirmed yet but I am thinking it could be enjoyable.
The second opportunity is in a permanent exhibition space in a large new medical centre in Rosny. This offer resulted in some intense activity on my part for a day or two, sealing and mounting the works I will display for sale on cradled birch boards. Attaching wires, labels, designing and ordering new business cards. Busy busy! All ready to go.
These are the paintings that will be displayed at Rosny Doctors 27 Bligh St Rosny(opposite the library).
The first two, Flourish 1 and The day begins, measure 50cm square, the next four are 3cm squares and will hang together as a group.
A new day
The studio was in such chaos post course and the above frenetic activity. I was tripping over things and storing paintings on the floor. I had a massive clear out. Regretted after a couple of hours, but then made a list of Gaye size jobs that I will do over the next few months. So on the surface its now looking tidy and organised. I bought a new shelving unit and my grandson assembled it for me. It very difficult disposing of art work that you have ‘grown out of’ and materials bought for the many tangents I have gone on over the years. Online garage sale coming up!!!
So I am back to my ongoing Ocean series and the collage experiments that have been in the too hard basket for a few weeks.
This week I am going to experiment with some direct printing to create interesting backgrounds for new work. Some I will be doing with a gelli plate and acrylic paints. Looking forward to lots of fun with this.
I also need to update my website with all my new works from the last few months. So watch this space!