Bold expressions

"Beautiful nuances of light, adjoined with general gestural freedom and looseness - there is a quality of expressive line work with great colour usage". A judges comment on 'Enclosed within' which received a Highly Commended award for the Art Society of Tasmania's 137th Annual Exhibition

Working in a larger format on a wall allows use of my whole body to create gestural lines and marks. As usual I build up lots of layers of subtle lines and marks using a pre-determined limited palette. I work with a vague structure to get started. Oil sticks predominate, but crayons, oil pastels, oil paint with cold wax medium are also used.

I feel with this series I am finally able to paint completely intuitively. I love the process and the final work.

Never together (30x30 cm)
Together at last (30x30 cm)
Within the bounds (80x80 cm)
Enclosed within (80x80 cm)
Enclosed without (60x60 cm)
Lost in the path (60x60 cm)
Uprising (60x60 cm)
Fury (60x60 cm)
Ingress to another world (60x90 cm)
Twists and turns (60x60 cm)
Bridging the gap (80x80 cm)
Magenta can dance (80x80 cm)
Passing through (80x80 cm)
Crazy rhythm (60x60 cm)
Let the sun shine in (60x60 cm)
Inferno (80x80 cm)
Me and my shadow (80x80 cm)
Tangerine (30x30 cm)
Last dance (30x30 cm)
On my own (30x30 cm)
Yellow is me (30x30 cm)
At the raspberry farm (30x30 cm)
Yellow is why (30x30 cm)
After the raspberry farm (30x30 cm)
Kindling the flame (30x30 cm)
Into the flame (30x30 cm)
Singing the path (30x30 cm)
Conspire (40x40 cm)
Engulfed (30x30 cm)
Finding the path (30x30 cm)
Terra 1 (50x50 cm)
Terra 2 (50x50 cm)